Monday, April 18, 2011

How am I still awake?

Seriously. How?

Camille kept me up until 4am, then woke me up at 7. She fussed until she was done eating around 830.. JUST as I was falling asleep- Neil showed up with coffee.. I stayed up and had some coffee with him, but fell asleep again for about another hour. Then my mommy came to visit me :) so I was up for the day around 1130.

Now- I'm wide awake. I tried to chill out and nap, but I can't. Camille is fast asleep and I think she might actually be out for the night this time. I should be sleeping. I want to be sleeping, but somehow, running on 4 hours of sleep.. I'm wide awake. Somebody please show up at my house with a cast iron fry pan and knock me out!

Watch C wake up the second I start to pass out. I bet you money it will happen!

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