Sunday, April 10, 2011

5 things I absolutely cannot live without

I would be lost without these things. For serious.. I don't think I would survive.

  • My boppy pillow
    • The greatest invention of all kind. For the first week of C's life, the boppy was actually a pain. She was so small, that when I tried to use it she would slide down between me and the boppy and I would have to completely reposition her. This would often end in her coming unlatched, and fussing, and both of us getting covered in breast milk because I was engorged and leaking everywhere.. no fun. My back hurt a lot for that first week.. but she's finally big enough to actually be supported by it, and I can't feed her without it. Well I probably could if I practiced but I haven't tried, and don't care to.
  • Carnation instant breakfast, cereal, and granola bars.
    • Because who has time to eat when you have a newborn? I certainly do not. Without these things, I would surely have starved to death by now. I'm serious. Really, I am.
  • Dreft Stain Remover
    • Really.. it's magic. I've even used the stuff to get a poop stain out of a sleeper that I forgot about and baked on in the dryer.
  • Ten thousand sleepers and receiving blankets.
    • Ok, so maybe I'm a little off on the numbers.. but I have a ton of these. When I was putting it all away in C's closet I though "What the hell am I going to do with all of these?" The answer? Use them. The small burp cloths are pretty useless when you have a baby like mine that likes to try and look around while you're burping her. They are nice to keep handy for wiping up spittle messes that mysteriously appear when baby is sitting in her bouncer and you get up to change the channel, but I find that a receiving blanket covering your whole shoulder works better for burping. I go through so many because they are easy to lose track of, fall on the floor and get covered in dog hair, are handy for catching pee messes during changing (I learned to keep one under her so when she pees when I'm changing her I can just use the blanket to wipe up the mess, hit the table with a wet wipe and keep going) and good for a quick cover when you're breastfeeding and someone walks into the room. As for the sleepers, some days are better than others as far as poop/pee messes go, but it helps to have a million of these when you're too busy/exhausted to throw in a load of laundry every couple of days.
  •  Sleep
    •  This one is pretty strait forward.

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