Sunday, November 20, 2011

Once again, it's been a while.

The past few months have been a blur. My daughter is now over 8 months old. No freaking way!

She's pulling herself up onto furniture to stand, and walking around with her hands on things. She stands on her own every once in a while, until she realizes she's doing so, then falls down onto her bum. She's eating finger foods (she loooooves teething biscuits). Still no teeth, though I think we may have a couple getting ready to break through (I've been thinking this for months now.. but I really think it's real this time because her gums are awfully swollen.)

Ugh. I feel like I make no sense right now. I returned to work last month and I've found a new meaning to the word 'exhausted'. This little booger keeps me SO busy now that she's mobile, and with work thrown into the mix I am usually ready for bed most nights at 8:30, and asleep by 10. She's also waking up much earlier now that I've returned for work. Neil and I are sharing a car so she gets up with us around 6 while I get ready and doesn't usually go back to sleep.

Speaking of exhaustion. Good night.

Tune in later this week for "Lessons learned- Mistakes I have made as a new mom that I will NOT be repeating with baby #2."