Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Epic adventures in growth spurt territory.

This is what my day was like.

12am. Fall asleep in chair in front of the tv because baby will only stay asleep as long as she is in my arms.

Sometime between 12am and 230 am Neil came home. He sat next to the chair and tried to talk to me.. I remember trying to respond and tell him what was in the fridge.. but you know when you're so tired that you aren't sure weather you were talking out loud, or thinking about what you were going to say? Yeah..

230am - Neil wakes me up to tell me he's going to bed. I groggily say 'I'm coming'.

a few minutes later? - Neil wakes me up again to remind me I told him I was coming to bed. I get up carefully.. stumble into the bedroom with baby in my arms and gently place her in the pack n play. I snuggle up to Neil, and JUST as I start to relax.. guess who needs my attention. I pick her up and she immediately falls asleep again. Nice. Defeated, I put C on my chest, and prop my elbows up with pillows so my hands keep hold of her and I'll feel when she starts to move when she wakes.

Around 530ish- C starts to stir

6am- Camille demands I wake to feed her. We move out to the living room so as not to wake Daddy, and C gets her breakfast.

645am- Mommy falls asleep watching the news and burping baby.

945am - Baby starts crying because she's hungry again.

1030am - Coffee time- by far my favorite part of every day!

11am- first attempt to wake up Daddy.

1130- C wants to eat again.

Somewhere between this feeding, and Camille going into the swing, I started a blog post and got distracted.

1215ish.. C is content in her swing while mommy goes through her coupons. She finally falls asleep around 1245.

I went upstairs at this point and hung out with Neil and my dad until Neil prepares to leave for work. Neil ran downstairs to check his fb and grab his vest.

130 - I hear Neil talking to C on the baby monitor so I run back downstairs. I kiss Neil goodbye, and C starts fussing again. Why? Because she's hungry! woohoo!

215- C is sleeping, so I run upstairs to wolf down some lunch. C is fussing. After coming to her aid, I am shocked to find that after 30 minutes of trying to sooth her.. the only way I can console her is by feeding her.. again!

330pm- Foolishly, I assume C will stay asleep as I try to put her in the car seat so we can run out in town to get stamps and a new pair of sewing scissors. Nope. I hold her and walk around talking to her until she falls asleep again, then put her in the bouncy seat around 350. At this time, I also realize that firefox froze when I was downloading google chrome, and I've lost my blog post. I also realize that I can't even remember what I was writing about, but I DO remember that there was mention of my new found love for couponing (which I will elaborate on later.. because there is major money to be saved out there and I want to share the love.)

400pm- Kendra is home from school and the dogs start barking to let us know. Camille is awake again.. and rooting again. I feed her and stick her in the car seat. I forgot stamps while I was out in town, and I forgot to pay the phone bill again, because as we were leaving joann fabrics C started getting seriously fussy again.

600ish- Home, and C eats again. Dad runs out to grab a tonage of McDonalds. I ended up bringing C upstairs with me, and she was quite content sitting in the boppy sucking on her hand while I had some dinner. She started fussing again so we came downstairs. She started fussing after a few minutes so I went through a whole array of things trying to figure out why she was SO unhappy. I changed her diaper, changed her clothes thinking maybe she was hot or otherwise uncomfortable in her adorable outfit (which I have pictures of if I can figure out how to get them from the new camera to my computer), put her in the swing for a few minutes, sang her a song, rocked her in my arms, walked around with her, burped her, put her on her belly.. but what was wrong? She was hungry again less than an hour after I fed her last! Perhaps she wasn't full when she stopped.. I'm not sure, but she did the same thing during her 3 week growth spurt so I shouldn't have been so surprised.

From 645-930 we went back and forth between feedings and 10-15 minute naps.. and now she is FINALLY sleeping in her bouncy seat. She's been there for about 30 minutes, and is starting to stir again. It's going to be a long night!

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