Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dinner should make itself!

I really should have planned ahead. Every time I bail on the idea of making supper while C is napping she sleeps for 4 hours. Every time I get her to go down for a nap, expecting enough time for dinner she wakes up when I'm just getting to that point where you can't just shut everything off and wait till later.

Lucky for me, I have help this week. Neil is at home until friday per doctors recommendation. He woke up in pain on sunday so I made him call the doctor thinking he might have a bladder infection. Turns out his abdominal muscles were strained, and if he had gone to work on monday he more than likely would have ended up with a hernia! I am SO glad he listened to me and called the doctor (for the first time ever).

On a happier note, I am pleased to announce that another one of our childhood friends from the trailer park became a father yesterday! Congrats to the new parents Matt and Alysha! I am sooo happy for you! They make the third couple of our childhood friends to have babies! Another is due with their first later this year. I can hardly believe it! I feel so old!

Also today, I left the house for the first time without baby :(. I took my sister to a meeting at her school 5 minutes away from home, and I was only gone an hour. It was bittersweet for me. I enjoyed the time to myself (short as it may have been) but when Neil texted me and told me that she wouldn't stop crying I wanted nothing more than to cuddle her in my arms and just listen to her wail. He finally got her to settle down with a bottle, but it was still heartbreaking to know that she was inconsolable even for a short time and I was unable to try and soothe her!

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