This is not directed at anyone specifially, I've just had enough with all of the unsolicited/bad advice. I'm no veteran mom but I've done my homework on the hot topics and made decisions I'm comfortable with based on the research I have done.
You absolutely cannot possibly spoil a newborn. Yes, I pick my child up every.time.she.cries. She is less than 6 months old. She cries because she needs me, even if it is just for comfort. There is a reason humans are born with all of these basic instincts. Obviously if I'm in the shower and she wakes up she has to wait until I can power through the towel dry/getting dressed process... but I do not ans will not just let my baby cry herself to sleep because I need a break. The grossly missunderstood "cry it out" method should not be used until 6 months, because newborns do not know how to self sooth/self regulate their emotions that early. Also, "cry it out" does not mean let your baby scream until they exhaust themselves and fall asleep. When done properly, you let baby cry for a very short period of time, and comfort your baby periodically without picking them up.
For more info on the Ferber method (CIO) check here
and here
If you don't have time for the whole article the bold exerpts provide the main points in the article.
Also, CIO is not the only method of sleep training that exists, and I don't plan to use it... so please stop giving me the side eye because I will postpone my lunch for 2 hours to make sure my child is comfortable and happy.
She doesn't need rice cereal until 4-6 months. It will not help her to sleep longer, and it would only 'keep her full longer' because her body can't digest it properly yet. Unless otherwise directed by the pediatrician, breastmilk will be her primary source of nutrition until she is 6 months, then secondary until she is at least one year old. Also, unless something happens to my supply, there is NO reason I will ever HAVE to supplement with formula.
I assure you, she will not suffocate in the moby wrap. I read the directions, and I can hear/feel/see her breathing.
Next time you're tempted to tell me that something is 'ok' because (insert offence here) was done around you, and even me when I was a child.. and we're fine- please bite your tongue. Seriously. I didn't ask you not to do something, or TO do something for you to argue with me about it and try to convince me otherwise. I don't ask you to wipe your ass a different way than you are used to because I think the way I do it is fine and dandy do I? NO!
So.. thanks anyway, but I'm all set.
::takes a bow and ducks out::
This post cracked me up! I've gotten SO much of the same advice!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny how everyone who has had kids longer than the first timers is automatically a genius and we do everything wrong? lol