Thursday, May 26, 2011

A survey!

With a short update first!
I've discovered that the noise of the shower instantly calms Camille when she is fighting a nap. My only problem is getting her downstairs, asleep in my arms without her waking up before I put her in the bassinet. It's possible, but tricky. Even so.. the shower is my new secret weapon!

I'm getting really sick of being broke. We have all of our bills paid, and we always have food and everything we need, but there is absolutely NO room for error (like Neil accidentally dropping $200 bucks while we're out shopping/bill paying on the weekend.. guess he'll never just "forget" that I told him to deposit his paycheck as opposed to cashing it ever again will he? It's much easier to replace a lost debit card than it is to replace $200 lost dollars) or extras (like a nursing bra that ACTUALLY supports these planets that are currently lazily strapped to my chest with the flimsy stretchy $11 walmart special. It's comfortable (sometimes) for around the house.. but it would be nice to put the girls (I call them Laverne and Shirly) in something that actually holds them up properly and doesn't show in the neckline of EVERY FREAKING SHIRT I OWN! GAH!

Oh! The week and a half of rain finally cleared up so I strapped Camille into the stroller yesterday and brought her down to the mailbox in it. I LOVE how the sun visor has a little clear vynil window in it so I can see her.. but it reflects the sun a lot so I have to actually bend down and stick my face up to it to see her. Lol.

Ok, so it was a long update. Time for the survey!

1. What is your name?

2. How many children did you have before this pregnancy/birth?

3. How old were you when you found out you were pregnant?

4. How old were/will you be when you gave/give birth?

5. How old are you now?

6. Were you trying to get pregnant?

7. If you were, how long did it take?
-Well I wasn't trying.. but I can tell you it only takes ONE time without protection haha

8. How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant?
5 weeks I think

9. Did/will you attend any birthing or breastfeeding classes?

10. Did/Do you have a birth plan?
I didn't want to set anything in stone, because I didn't want to look back on it and be disappointed if it didn't go according to plan. 

11. What books (if any) did/are you read(ing) to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth?
What to expect when you're expecting, and Your Pregnancy and childbirth

12. Were/are you considered a high risk pregnancy?

13. Were/are you afraid of childbirth?
I was terrified of possibly needing a C-section

14. Were you/have you been told a lot of childbirth horror stories during your pregnancy?
No, not really.

15. Was your labor induced?
I begged Neil for sex about 2 hours before I went into labor because I heard that it works to induce labor. Apparently it does. lol So I wasn't induced medically.. but I wasn't in labor before we did the deed.. and I was shortly after.. so I guess we self induced. 

16. Where did/will you give birth (hospital, home, etc.)?

17. What time did you go into labor?
Erm.. early labor started around 2-3 am

18. How long were you in labor?
About 19 hours

19. What time did you give birth?
10:22pm March 14th, 2011

20. How many weeks pregnant were you when your baby was born?
40 weeks 2 days

21. Who all was/will be in attendance at your birth?
Neil and my Mommy :)

22. Did you find out the sex of the baby before it was born?

23. What sort of pain management (if any)did/will you use (epidural, natural methods, hypnosis)?
I had planned to at least try for a natural birth with no pain medication.. but back labor changed my mind. I had a shot of nubaine while I was waiting for the epidural, then whatever they had in the epi that made the whole lower half of my body go fuzzy.

24. How did/will you deliver (c-section, forceps, vaginally with no mechanical assistance, etc)?

25. Did you have an episiotomy?
No, and no tearing.

26. Did they take the baby from you immediately?
They cleaned her off, and cleaned her airways out and I got to hold her until I delivered the placenta and Neil cut the cord. They took her after that.

27. Did/do you want to breastfeed?

28. How long did/will you breastfeed?
2.5 months so far. I plan to breastfeed for a year. 

29. Did your baby have any health problems?
A little jaundice at first because she wasn't latching properly, but other than that no.

30. How long did you stay in the hospital?
I got there monday around 430.. and didn't get to leave until friday afternoon.

31. Did you experience postpartum depression?
It comes and goes. 

32. If your baby is a boy, did/will you have him circumcised?
I have a girl, but if I had a boy I would absolutely not circumcise him.

33. What advice would you give to other women about birth and/or pregnancy?
If you plan to go natural, practice some kind of technique to help you relax through/cope with the pain... I feel like if I had done this instead of just winging it I would have been able to do it. Remember to breathe, and don't be afraid to speak up or ask for anything when you are laboring. 

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