Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My baby is 2 months old!

She had her 2 month checkup today! She's 9lbs 5oz, and 22.5 inches long! She also had her 2 month shots today, and she was so pitiful! It wasn't as bad as her hep b vac when she was a month old.. but it still hurt mommy's feelings pretty bad to see her screaming like she was.

I had planned to hit on a few other things but I'm totally exhausted. I will say that I have a bunch of cloth diaper info in the workings in wordpad. I'm not sure if I'm going to incorporate that into this blog, make a new blog for it, or find a free web host and just make a website.. but more than likely I will use the blog format. I'm just not sure if I'll make a second blog of it.

Nap time!

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