Let me start off by saying that I'm not writing this with the intention of schmearing the name of formula feeding moms. I understand that breastfeeding vs. formula feeding is a choice, and a mother is entitled to make the choice that works best for her and her child. That being said.. wtf is it with all the anti-breastfeeding crap I'm hearing about lately.
Neil told me a few days ago that his work buddies are 'surprised' that I'm breastfeeding (and cloth diapering.. but that's not the issue we're discussing right now). They say it's "so primal" and they don't understand why I'm doing it. I was confused as to why anyone would be surprised that a woman breastfed her child.. I mean isn't that what everyone was forced to do before the invention of formula? Why else would a womans body produce milk after childbirth? Why aren't more people surprised when women choose to formula feed?
I guess I never really realized how many women just choose to formula feed. I always think 'haven't they read the studies? Don't they know the benefits? Why would they choose to get up and make a bottle in the middle of the night instead of just snuggling up to their baby and fall asleep feeding them? Also.. formula is wicked expensive.. why would anyone choose to spend 90 bucks a week on formula when there's the option to feed your kid for free? I understand that this point of view is incredibly naive of me. Of course there are women out there that just feel formula is a better choice for them.. but I don't fully understand why so many people look at breastfeeding in such negative light.
Here are just SOME of the things I've heard people say. I'm gonna be honest.. I might end up getting a little judgmental at this point. Please note, this doesn't have anything to do with women who choose not to BF because they can't or because it's just not right for them.. I'm only hitting on the negative things I've heard people say about it.
"It's so unnatural." - OK, I will never wrap my head around this one. I don't understand how anyone who has two brain cells to rub together could think that BFing is unnatural. What the hell else are boobs supposed to be for? A womans body produces milk following childbirth.
"It's gross and weird." - I can at least understand how some women might feel this way. One of Neils coworkers wives equates expressing breast milk to using the bathroom (fluids leaving the body?.. idk.. I think she's crazy) and formula feeds her kid, but pumps her breast milk to loose weight (BFing burns calories) and flushes it down the toilet (this should be a crime!)
"You have to change your diet, and eventually you will have to supplement with formula because they won't be getting enough from breast milk alone." - FALSE. Again, what do you think people did before the invention of formula? You do not need to change your diet to breastfeed. Can you go out binge drinking every day? No, but broccoli will not give your baby gas, and some spicy mexican food will not make your milk burn your little ones mouth. Alcohol leaves breast milk at the same rate it leaves your blood, so if you indulge in a glass of wine or a mixed drink all you need to do is wait 1.5 to 2 hours for it to leave your system. Also, BM is produced on a supply and demand basis. If your baby needs your body to produce more, he/she will feed more often until your supply catches up. As baby gets older and needs more calories, breast milk actually increases the amount of calories in the same volume of milk to meet your baby's needs. Cool!
"Breastfeeding ties you down." I never have to worry about having enough formula when I leave the house. I bring it with me sometimes just because I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of BFing in public (without a nursing cover.. I want one but I don't have one) yet. So far I've done it at other peoples homes, and twice in the car, but without a cover, I'm not comfortable trying to get C latched on in a coffee shop just yet. Preparing a bottle and making sure I have enough to feed her while I'm out is annoying.. and it's just one more thing to worry about having in the diaper bag before I'm out the door. Also, breastfeeding only takes about 5 minutes longer than preparing and feeding a bottle.
I hate to sound like I'm bashing formula feeding moms. I'm really not so I hope that's not how this is coming off.. I just feel like there is a lot of negative light surrounding breastfeeding.. and I think if people were more informed maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I don't get why so many people think that it's so awful to do something that humans have been doing for thousands of years. Formula was invented as supplemental nutrition for premature infants, and years later women are suddenly looked down upon (by some) for choosing to feed their babies the way nature intended? It's gone so far in the US that laws actually had to be created to protect breastfeeding women. Women in the workplace, women in jail.. in public areas? I just don't get it. Just my two cents..
Really?! I had no idea there was so much negativity around breastfeeding. I assumed it was the opposite as I have heard a lot about the benefits of breastfeeding to a baby's future health. It doesn't seem gross to me at all! We drink cow's milk which is from cow's equivalent of breasts.
ReplyDeleteI also completely agree on the expense. Why would you waste sooo much money on formula when you have something EVEN BETTER for free?!
I just want to say good for you for not only standing up for making the choice that scientists view as best for your baby, but also for standing up for your choice!! Breastfeed away girl!!!