Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Stop breathing, it might wake up the baby!

Let me tell you.. sick babies are no fun. :(

It's been an exhausting couple of days. Camille woke up on saturday with a stuffed up nose- miserable. She's already been a bit fussy from teething, but this past 5 days really takes the cake. She HATES the bulb that sucks the boogies out.. but I HAVE to use it sometimes. Yesterday was actually pretty good, but she had me on my toes all day today. She constantly wanted to be held, but also wanted to play so I was literally holding on to her whilst accommodating her desire to switch positions every .05 seconds almost all day. She would sit on her blanket or in her exersaucer for 5 minutes at a time and cry to be picked up again.

She didn't want to nap either, so by the time bed time came around she was cranky and overtired. It took almost an hour to get her to go to sleep. Usually I'll pick up on her 'ready for bed cues', change her diaper, lay down to nurse her and she's out in 5-10 minutes. Tonight however, my overtired little sicky princess popped off the breast every 30 seconds or so to look at daddy, or the TV, or the dog, or the door- if it made a noise-  she looked at it.. for a second... then it was back to crying and rubbing her eyes. I'm fairly certain that the stuffy nose is the root cause of nursing/napping being such a chore today. I just feel so bad that there is nothing else I can do for her for this stupid cold.

She's finally sleeping soundly. I was able to sit up without waking her, and I gave Neil permission to slowly start turning the volume on his game back up. I hope tomorrow is not as exhausting as today was.

Nothing is cuter than a sleeping baby.

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