Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Am I alone?

I've been posting on this pregnancy/parenting community since I found out I was pregnant. (It's called the bump).. These days I mostly lurk, but I've seen a lot of 'parenting technique/method' questions popping up lately, and it makes me wonder more every day- Am I the only mom just kind of.. wingin' it? Every day it's a new rash of post titles like: "What sleep training method are you using?", "What does your schedule look like?" "What is your little one's bedtime?" "What does your bedtime routine look like?"

Should it really be that complicated? Should I really have read books on different sleep training methods in order to.. teach my child how to.. sleep? Really? Honestly, I've never attempted to set any type of schedule, or get any specific type of routine down and my daughter sleeps very well. She usually goes down for the night between 9-11, sleeps until I move to the bed after Neil gets home (usually we head in there around 3am) at which point I usually change her diaper and put her on the boob until she falls asleep again. She wakes up one more time after the sun comes up to nurse before we're up for the day. During the day she eats when she's hungry, she naps when she's tired, and we play when she isn't eating or sleeping. I'm not sure why anyone would want to try and impose a 'method' of... being.. on that.. but to each his own I guess.

People have been doing this for centuries without Dr. So and so's foolproof methods for getting your child to.. eat and nap during the day and sleep at night, right? I'm not dogging on the people who read these books and use these methods, I guess more or less I'm just feeling like I'm the only mom on the block who's just... wingin' it. My baby is happy, healthy and hitting all of her developmental milestones so I must be doing something right!

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