You know what's so funny.. whenever I notice how much she's grown, it's always because I notice the size of her hands. Always her hands. They're still tiny, but not as tiny as they used to be, and I think they get bigger every time I look at them. It dawned on me when I was watching my sister play the piano a few days ago that my baby would be that big one day. Of course I knew she was going to grow up one day the moment I got pregnant, but watching my sisters hands float across the keyboard of the piano while I was holding my daughter really hit home. I was 9 when Kendra was born so I have a very good memory of her childhood. Those hands were the size of Camille's hands once, and Camille's hands will be that size one day. Kendra is 14 now, and my baby is just a few months old. Where has the time gone?!
I friended one of Neils work buddies and his wife on facebook a few days ago. They have a daughter who is about a year and a half old (I think) and I was looking at her maternity pictures and regretting not having any done of my own. I even have a friend who offered to do them (for free), but I was so depressed about our living situation during my pregnancy that every time I thought about going to see her and get them done I decided against it because I didn't want to have to answer all the questions that everyone always loved to ask, that I always wanted to avoid. "Where are you guys staying? Have you started decorating the nursery yet? Do you have a lot of stuff for her?"
I've also realized that all of the pictures I have of Camille, are JUST of Camille. I have a bunch with Neil, and a few with all of her grandparents, but I don't have very many of her and I because Neil works so much and I'm always home alone with her.
I'm being such a Debbie downer! Ah!
On a more positive note, I got a fancy new phone that takes excellent pictures of her (instead of sub par crappy flip phone pictures) and I can upload them directly to facebook.. so there will be much more picture sharing. It even takes videos!
It isn't too late to start getting pictures now!! Who cares where you live!! All that matters is you have a beautiful baby girl, a wonderful husband and are a loving mother! Now take your friend up on that offer and get some nice pictures of you with your little angel!!